Thursday, April 3, 2008

All aboard the roller coaster

The plane tickets are purchased.

The rental car reservation has been made.

I've expressed to the car agent that if there is not a toddler car seat waiting at the airport for me ~ I refuse to be responsible for my actions. Her dismissive attitude when I asked for assurances that the car seat will be there was disconcerting in my world. This is the one key issue that could screw up & totally screw this whole trip, so yes, I'm obsessing over it.

Well, that & the presence of my mother.

She emailed today to let me know that she's hired the "baby-wranglers" for the rehearsal dinner and ceremony/reception. She knows that there is no way in Hades I will let anyone that I don't know watch her anywhere I'm not able to see her. Maybe it is good that she knows me well enough to understand that. The plan is to let her run around (since both events will be outside), the girls will watch her & I will be able to see her at all times. From what I can tell, she will be the only toddler in attendance. That should prove to be interesting!

I am a little more than slightly freaked out about 4 days, 2 plane rides, and 700 miles alone with this kiddo. Solo. 3 bedtimes and 3 (PleasedearLord) nap times to wrangle. A solo mio. 11 meals and countless snack times of figuring out what she wants to eat and getting it into her before she completely decompresses. All by myself. 80 hours of being the only person responsible for the care, safety and well being of this little person. While part of me is really excited about spending 4 days alone with her to reconnect & maybe override a little of her "Daddy Obsession" ~ the rest of me is utterly terrified that I will screw up and she will pay for my stupidity. I keep having visions of turning around to find her gone, or of landing in the ER at some point. I cannot express to you how bad it would be for me to come home with a broken or dented child ~ her father will NEVER. EVER. let me live that one down. I will forever be the parent who let the child break herself. (In all honesty - I wouldn't truly be able to let him live that one down either. We're mean like that.)

I was not built to be a single mom. Apparently I require more assistance with this kid than I realized.

Am I just a wuss or are these fairly standard fears for trips with a toddler?


Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat. I've been solo parenting much too often while my husband works in another state and it is NOT for me. I'm also interested to hear how your solo trip goes b/c I am making one of my own at the end of the month and my fears sound nearly exactly like yours.

Constance XXIX said...

I travelled overseas with a toddler for 3 weeks and yeah, it's hard. But it gets better, and you've got family around and that totally helps. Hope for the best, expect the worst and be prepared at all times. Also, it helps if you have wine with dinner. I'm just saying. Wine helps.
Good luck :)

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