Friday, January 25, 2008

I needed a drink before this one

Have you ever run into one of those "know it all big mouthed TypeA has to be right all the time about everything and God forbid you cross her" kinda bitches?

I can't stand the one that I know.

This heifer has found my last nerve & stomped all. over. it. I would SOOO love to tell her off ~ but she's disappeared.


1. she's not IRL, she's a "mommy board" girl
2. she lodged IM's to me yelling at me about calling her out on her bitchy actions (which I did in private) ... and then she deleted her account so that I can't respond. I know that she was hoping I would come out on the open boards & scream (and start crap & make her look like a martyr & me a raving loon) but I didn't so personally, I win. HA!!
3. she's been seen around the boards ranting under assumed identities & then deleting them so that (again) no rebuttal is available

I'm sorry but if you are going to bitch about someone then do it under your own name & quit trying to hide your identity just because you don't want anyone to know just how bitchy and evil you really are. Who the fuck are you, Clark Kent? Ok so that entire line is completely negated by the fact that not only did I not say this on the mommy board, or on my known blog ~ but I waited to come to my secret apartment to rave like a lunatic .. where no one would know just how bitchy & evil I really am. I'm no better than the uber bitch at this point.


How exactly is winning by being the bigger person supposed to make me feel better? I took the high road & feel no satisfaction ... screw adulthood. This crap is for the birds!

It's Friday girls ~ let the drinking games begin! Vodka & Tequila shooters at my place!!

1 comment:

Constance the EightyThird said...

Bring on the shots!!! haha.

I totally know how you feel. I'm so sick of women being "girls" and acting like we are 12, mind you I'm only 24 so it's kind of the same, but people need to grow up!!

Seriously if she is a mom can you imagine what her children are going to be like? I guess something like that can help you be the better person. It will help you teach your kids not to act like a total freakshow.

Good luck and enjoy the drinks - even though it's only Tuesday now! :)

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