Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How long is too long?

You heard me whine about having the sex life of a turtle.

You heard my confusion just days later when, out of the blue, Hubs turned insatiable.

You know the ramifications of that rainy season.

You know that I'm not in the mood to be touched lately.

So knowing all that ... how long is too long?

Let's put it this way ~ the candy store has been closed since Baby New Year's conception. I'm 16 weeks along. It's been a long dry spell & the Hubs is starting to crack under the pressure*.

The problem is that I have NO motivation. None, nada, zip, zilch, zero. I have occasionally handled the situation on my own in a minimum of time (massaging shower heads were sent by God to help all girls. Get one tonight ~ you'll thank me tomorrow.) I'm just not interested in the "activity" itself anymore. It takes too long, it's messy & sweaty & damn it I'm tired & want to go to bed already.

If he could cut the production down to a 3 minute overview ~ I would SO be on board ... maybe.

Should I just suck it up, give it up & hope that the mood catches up with me somewhere before the end? Am I the ONLY pregnant woman on earth who isn't addicted to sex 24/7 and twice on Sundays? (Believe me, this is what his friend's are telling him & I'm going to have to kill them for that)

I went through the same thing when I was pregnant with the Princess. The sex fairy found our house for 2 weekends out of a 39 week pregnancy. Hubs was less than impressed with her visitation schedule then, at this point he's convinced she's just boycotting our house.

He hasn't figured out yet that I've paid her to stay away until Valentine's Day.

*Hubs has been very sweet & supportive ~ he's only mentioned the drought once & he's not harping or guilting me into anything. I just feel bad for him & wonder if this is normal or if I shouldn't just buck up & help a brother out before he starts to grow hair on his palms or something.


Swistle said...

Definitely you're not the only one. I wonder if you could tell him the thing about "if it's 3 minutes." He may go for that.

Constance the 32nd said...

Hmmmm, so what's the answer to your question when you're NOT pregnant?!? ;) I feel all the same stuff you do, only I have no good excuse; just would rather sleep than make him happy for a few minutes only to have him dying for it the next day. Just can't win.

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