Big sister seems to be less than thrilled ....

Will follow with details soon ~ we had a rough start, but she's strong and healthy despite the 3 week early appearance. She wanted to beat the holiday traffic so she took an earlier flight!
One SuperMom's Secret Hideout ~ a formerly pink apartment in the city, far from home & prying eyes.
I know that our lives could be so much worse, infinitely worse ... but that doesn't stop my worrying about the money, how we will survive and how we'll make it to the next payday.
Hubs and I batted the idea of putting the girls in daycare & him going to find a real full time job again ... and then I priced daycare for 2 kids. We may as well take a paycheck and burn it on the front lawn for all the good that would do us. Even if he found a job making the kind of money he used to make (HIGHLY unlikely around here at this point) we would still only walk away with about $600 a month after daycare costs ~ then add in the gas / lunches / dry cleaning / pediatrician and prescription co-pays that we aren't currently paying with him being at home. It wouldn't equal out to enough money to make the stress & hassle of daycare worth it for us.
Oh. And then our second car died & any hopes of second jobs flew out the window. We've had it looked at & SURPRISE!!! The last shop that worked on it didn't fix a key thingy & now the car is worse ... it's seriously cheaper to get a new engine than to have the damn thing repaired.
I'm 9 months pregnant. My spouse & toddler are home bound. I work 40 minutes from the house.
My hand to God, if my water breaks at the office ~ I'm going to wind up killing someone.