Friday, August 1, 2008

Marital Earthquakes

What happens when the "Come to Jesus" meeting after effects have worn off?

I'm calling it an earthquake.

Hubs is slipping back into his pattern of slackerdom and using all the excuses in his arsenal ... fine. I can deal with that, it's part of the PMS all husbands seem to get, whatever. But when I get thrown attitude last night because "You're ALWAYS exhausted" Oh. Hell. No.

Has he missed the fact that my stomach is getting large? Does he forget that I am currently growing an entire human being with no help from him? Does he not think that this takes most of my energy and by 9pm I am too tired to even think about holding a conversation?!

I need HELP from my spouse right now, not a guilt trip about how rough his life is. Suck it up and keep trudging buddy, I am. I am so tired of hearing how hard it is to stay home with one kid, I really am. I would be so much more supportive if his staying home included cleaning, cooking dinner, doing laundry or paying bills. Then I would be inclined to rub his back or bake him cookies. All his whining makes me want to do is break his windpipe.

I just can't figure out if I'm really upset or if this is pregnancy hormones causing me to overreact. I don't want to loose my mind over minor infractions ~ not when there are so many larger ones for me to go postal over ~ but last night was that last straw in the camel's pack, you know what I mean? When I said that I was too tired to watch tv ~ he burst out with "You're ALWAYS too tired."

The camel's back snapped like a twig.

Much like the animals in California ~ I smell an earthquake coming.

1 comment:

Constance the Super said...

In health class, they need to teach boys not to argue with or whine at pregnant women.

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