Thursday, July 3, 2008

Risking it all & running away

I was put on IV drips yesterday for the dehydration (have I mentioned the horrid world wrecking morning sickness?) I was given a choice between home health care & hospitalization.

I have my laptop & internet connection ~ you can guess which option I picked.

So I have my IV & now my new friend "The Pump". It gives me a dose of anti-nausea medication every 10 minutes, the idea is that I'll never have a down-swing of medication & that should keep me stable & (hopefully) vomit free. I was on the same pump during my pregnancy with the Princess ~ it lasted 16 weeks & cost upwards of $18000. Yeah, I didn't put any extra zeros in there - you read that right. It cost less to give birth than it did to survive the morning sickness.

I'll post pics of my new boyfriend "The IV Pole" later when I get a chance ~ but suffice it to say that living with a toddler and an IV pole is just a ball of laughs. And then a few yelps as she grabs the freakin IV lines. OWW!

Ok maybe I should have opted for the hospital room ... but I wanted to keep my DVR & 300 satellite cable channels. I'm shallow that way.

SO. The home health care nurse comes back tomorrow morning & she's fairly sure I'll be able to come off the IV at that point. The plan is that as soon as she hits the door ~ so do we. We're leaving for a desperately needed weekend in Pensacola. I need sun, wind & ocean waves for a few hours. The inlaws are planning on tagging along & they'll help us with the kiddo ~ DH will be my personal cabana boy & I'll plop my preggy tail in a chair under a large umbrella & zone out for the rest of the afternoon. DH will be busy filling my water bottle & keeping me calm as the inlaws wander farther and farther out into the surf with my child.

As long as the pump works & I don't have to see what the beach ER's look like on the Fourth of July ~ I should be fine.

If not ~ I'll let you know if they have any cute doctors.


1 comment:

Kate said...

An IV pole and a little one sounds painful! Hopefully you're at the shore now enjoying yourself.

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