Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Leaked Batman Preview

These kind of leaks normally get taken down quickly ~ so I can't promise this video will be around for long ~ but here you go!



Heath Ledger & Christian Bale ~ Oh. The. Hotness.

Honestly, even if I hadn't liked every other Batman movie that's been made during my lifetime ~ I would still go see this one solely to see those two beautiful beautiful men.

If only we had a regular babysitter I would have some clue as to when I'll be able to go see the movie. This is one of those I'm not allowed to even think of seeing without Hubs, so no chance of seeing it until one of the In-laws can get up here to watch the kiddo for 3 hours or so. And since EvilSIL is spawning her 5th child today ~ it could be Christmas before we see them again.

If it weren't for the Batman movie that would be the happiest sentence I've ever uttered.

1 comment:

Constance the Super said...

I'd babysit for you if I could! I'm so excited about seeing this movie and some things are just better on the big screen.

I love Christian Bale and Heath Ledger as well. Love. Them.

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