Sunday, March 2, 2008

Things that make me go YUUUUUUM

And I don't mean the Triple Chocolate Fudge Lava Cupcakes (the rare thing that I am REALLY good at baking!)

It was a great weekend on the movie channels ~ Can I tell you how much I love my Tivo & DishNetwork?!

Tom Cruise in Top Gun

Cary Elwes in The Princess Bride

and a double dose of Patrick Swayze ~ Ghost & Dirty Dancing!

YUMMY yum yum!!

Oh dear heavens the late 80's had some wonderful movies *sigh* I'm sorry, but I have yet to see any movies lately that match their level. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise was great - Don't get me wrong, love love LOVE me sum Johnny Dep (Edward Scissorhands would have topped off my "Movies I Love" weekend!)

But 80's movies had it all ~ and hot guys to boot!!


Constance the Thirteenth said...

I love 80s movies!

Leah said...

Oh my goodness, Tom Cruise in Top Gun was a fave for many, many years.

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