Monday, October 20, 2008

In case I'm on the news tonight

Just a shout out to all my Constance Apartment girls ~ I'll be smiling at you in my mug shot.

If this day doesn't hurry up & improve you may well be seeing me on the nightly news tonight. It will be under the headline of "Woman Castrates Bosses". Hopefully they will let me clean the blood off before the news crews show up.

I'm sure bail will be too high for me to pay, so it may be a while before I post again. Just know that I'm happily sitting back and remembering the screams of the men who've pissed me off.

Too bad they can't put me in the mental ward ... but alas, I'm sane. Just a little hopped up on hormones & man-hatred.

I think I may need to take a mental health sick day before I really do snap and loose it on someone around here.


Constance the 32nd said...

Man, sometimes it just sucks being too sane to be locked up in the mental ward, doesn't it? =) If you do manage to get in, could you please save me a spot? Then we can share drinks and a good laugh at all of the "normal, yet castrated" people on the outside.

Constance the Super said...

I hope you're feeling better now. If not, know that I'll be there to welcome you in the loony bin. I just wanted to punch someone for making an upsetting personal call in the lounge. She was wrong, but punching her? Really? I am five? (Or Mike Tyson?)

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