Thursday, September 11, 2008

Useless Homeowner Association

I swear, when we chose this neighborhood I thought a homeowners association was a good thing ... 4 years later I could watch the board members get evicted and I really wouldn't give a good holy crap about them. This board has gone through several members (my husband having been one of them) and the ineffectiveness has remained the same. Thanks to several "reigning" witches, the board is hampered in All. Their. Decisions. that aren't pet choices of the witches counsel. Now apparently the witches have just taken over and it's going to hell in a handbasket over there.

At the beginning of the year our covenants were being changed & they were asking for a 30% increase in dues, which has to be approved by a neighborhood vote. I paid 1/2 the dues and waited to see what would happen before I paid the rest. In their first meeting they were unable to vote because they were ONE household shy of having 60% participation. Fine, we go onto a second meeting with 40% --- but OH NONONONO --- instead they walked around the neighborhood going door to door pushing people into signing the new covenants and the increase into law. Since then they've refused to give an accounting because "It's a secret ballot" ... um, how secret is it when you came to my door & asked me to say "yes or no"?? Dude -- That's NOT a secret!!

Fast forward to this month & I get an unsigned, unaddressed letter shoved in my mailbox stating that they have already asked for our dues & if they aren't paid this week they are going to file a lean on my house ... Um ~ Excuse me?!

Don't worry about violating the privacy in collections laws.

Don't worry about violating federal mail laws in tampering with my mailbox.

I've sent a very restrained, very professional, fairly respectful letter to the board & Hubs is emailing it to current & several past board members. I know you're shocked - but I really did hold back on the full force of my feelings with this letter ... for what it will be worth. I want them to understand how their actions and tone create unnecessary strife within the neighborhood, but I want them to actually hear my words - not just brush me off as a hormonal slacker.

Hubs & I have talked this afternoon and one of us will be signing up to be on the board again next year ... after this letter I'm betting they would rather it be him & never have to see me again!
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