Saturday, May 3, 2008

Why is a wedding an excuse to be rude?

At any other time in a woman's life we are supposed to be kind, accomodating, helpful & sweet. But slap a fat diamond on a girl's finger & pick out a certain date ~ and she has a Carte Blanche freedom to be rude or generally bitchy until midnight on that date.

I don't get it.

Yes it's a big day. Yes it should be a momentous occasion ~ but that's still no reason to forget common decency & kindness. I mean come! on! Just because the florist brought red roses instead of blood roses for my bouquet ~ I didn't yell at him. I rolled my eyes & then remembered that "I'm getting married! SQUEEEEEEE! That's all that matters."

It seems like more & more brides are taking offense to children of "any" age at their wedding. The general concencous seems to be that either A) they will be noisey, make messes & fuck up my day or B) they will take the attention off of me and fuck up my day.

Oh. My. God.

I just want to take these girls aside & ask them: Are you planning on having children? Have you ever heard of Karma?

Do like the rest of us did & get the Sitters for the church ~ if you don't want kids at the reception then get Sitters for that too. Cheap & easy. Order the little punks a set of pizzas, set up a few videos & let them scream to their hearts content while their parents hug & fawn all over you in the ballroom. No hurt feelings, no missing friends, no one left out just because they procreated prior to your wedding.

Yes my brother & his bride have asked for "No children under the age of 10" ... I didn't know you could make an age cut off there. They've made an exception for my kiddo but my family & I have made arraingements to have 2 sitters to watch her during the rehearsal & the big day. Personally, that was the least I could do for myself, it just so happens to help the couple out as well.

What annoys me off are people who think it's just so stinkin easy to leave a newborn at the house with a sitter. Um. No. Newborns are the exception to "children" rules. They require their mother & not all of them are just happy to be left with Granny or a sitter. This trend seems to be cropping up in more chat rooms, with more bridal discussions, with more people who's babies are refused entry to the ceremony.

If a kid is small enough to fit discreetly into a carrier & can be *basically* counted on to sleep through the event ~ why reject them? They need their moms, you want your friend at the wedding ~ is it that much of a sacrifice to make to have an infant exception?

Weddings are about the creation of a new family ~ new families = kids. So why are people kicking kids out? I had a 1:3 kid to adult ratio at my wedding ~ none of them stole my thunder & none of them made messes or screwed up my day. But again, we had sitters & prepared for their presence. We did this because our friends & families have kids & we didn't want to leave any of them out of our big day.

**I totally get not wanting toddlers in the room ~ anyone with toddlers can grasp that one I think!

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