Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Has he completely lost his mind?!

I woke up yesterday morning to some bleeding ~ which I was trying not to freak out over. I did the same thing with the Princess & it was nothing major, I called the Dr's office just to let her know. I thought it was probably safer to have it noted on my record just in case it got worse or happened again. Everything was kosher until the nurse made the comment "Well, the heart tones were a little slow last week. With this bleeding, why don't we go ahead and bring you in for an ultrasound and check viability, ok?"

1. No one told me the heart rate was slow. (118bmp)

2. The new ulcer on the upper right side of my stomach just introduced itself as Dave & apparently he'll be the ulcer for this child. Lovely. (The Princess' is named Haley. She's in the mid south section.)

My best friend came with me since Hubs was unable to make it on such short notice. Baby looks great & the heart rate is nice & strong at 140bpm, the yolk sac looks great, they couldn't see any reason for the bleeding on the u/s. Saw the Dr & had the cervix checked ... there has to be a better way to do that than having someone sitting there staring up your hoohah. If men had to do this there would be a camera system & 4 different kinds of technology to keep a dr's head out of that area. It's just wrong. I digress. Cervix looks great. I know you were dying to know that part right?

I went home & laid down, trying to rest & relax as much as I can ~ Hubs was wonderful & helpful about everything.

By 10pm I was spinning & nauseated again so I fell asleep with a cold wet rag, hoping I could keep dinner down for the rest of the night. Again, Hubs was wonderful & helpful.

At 3am he rolled over to "cuddle" .... I know this cuddle move. This cuddle move is what got me in this position. WHAT THE HELL?!?! DUDE!!! NO! Not only have I been bleeding for a good portion of the day ~ I've already had a big assed sonogram wand & a dr's hand stuck up in there today. I have met my weekly quota for things shoved up in me & I am NOT in the mood to be helping a brotha' out.

I tried my best to not have to turn him down & then broke the mood needing to pee ... and coming back to curl up with a pillow. Eventually he rolled back over to his side & I was able to fall asleep.

I knew I should have told him I'm on pelvic rest *picture my eyes rolling all over in my head*


Constance the 14,000th said...

when i was prego with #1 the doc told me that he would tell my husband i was on pelvic rest if i wanted him to. wonderful doc. i think at your next appt you should mention that to your hubs.

Constance the 14,000th said...

ps: glad everything is ok with you and congrats on your pregnancy! =)

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