Very funny girl.
She had a post a few weeks ago that got me to thinking ... What if the second kid is a dud?
Ok - in all honesty - her post was nothing about the next kid being a dud, it was about her worry that her daughter watching her obsess over her own looks will cause said child to obsess & thus complete the cycle. She made the comment about how she adores her daughter's looks & would never change a thing about her ... but you now see how my brain wanders down roads & takes the one less traveled.
I would never change a thing about the Princess. She may one day curse me for the genes of fat thighs (sorry baby girl, Momma doesn't know how to toss those out for skinny ones!) but overall ~ I have a pretty cute kid. I wouldn't change her blue eyes, dimples, huge smile or blonde curly hair for the world. All of those are things that she will hate come first grade, but such is life.
I was at my best friend's house for her birthday last night & had the Princess in tow. Everyone loves my kid, it helps that she doesn't pitch those fits in public though! She pulls that sweet & nice card when people are around. Little smartie pants.
The grandmothers and great grandmother in the family accept me as one of their own & my child as theirs too. Watching them love on her & play with her curls, stealing kisses and sneaking ice cream cake ~ I started to get excited that Baby#NOW will be able to be part of this next year too.
And then I wondered if this baby will be in the shadow of her sister's bright spotlight. (That would only happen to a little sister right?)
I wondered if the new baby would get the same genes that seemed to pool on the Princess, or if it will get all the other ones. Those would be the genes from my side. Of which Princess has about 3. Maybe.
Will this kid be as genetically blessed as it's sister? I know I'll think the kid is cute (I'm Mom, that's my job!) but let's face it ~ the world has some unfortunately unblessed people in it & I really don't want that to be the fate of my kids. And I really don't want to have:
"Oh Princess is so cute! Look at those curls! Those dimples! OH!! *crickets chirping* And who's child is this?"
I'd hate to have to whoop some grandma's ass over making my second baby feel bad. I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I'd hate to see granny in the hospital afterward.
Yeah yeah yeah beauty comes from within & God made us all beautiful in our own way & that's all that matters yada yada yada. You tell that to a fourth grader who's heart is broken because her sister got all the valentines & the boys pick on her for being ugly. Or explain to a 10th grader why her sister gets all the dates and she sits at home on Friday nights. I don't want my second baby to feel any less wonderful or accepted or beautiful than the Princess.
Am I the only mom who has these thoughts or do I just need to start spending more time in therapy again?
In my defense ~ this is the Princess:

My 4 year old wandered by while I was reading this and saw the pictures and said "Aw! Look at that cute kid." Four year olds agree, that is a cutie. :)
Oh, MAN. I can see why you'd worry. That is one cute baby.
I worried when I found out I was expecting my first girl. What if she looked like...certain female relatives?
ROTFL ~ it didn't even occur to me that I could have a child who looks like the inlaws.
And now I'm really scared!!
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