Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wedding Whining Post #I can't remember anymore

Brace yourself. You're about to get a glimpse into how petty and jealous a 30 year old woman can be.

So we've talked about how supportive my parents were with my wedding.

Bubba got married last weekend ~ and it was absolutely gorgeous & perfect in every way.

And then I found out how much my parents *really* contributed.

Oh. My. God.

My wedding present was $500 toward the price of my wedding gown & the 3 of them flew down & spent 2 nights in a hotel. TaDa.

Bubba & his lovely bride were given::

A catered rehearsal dinner complete with appetizers and fully decorated.
A photographer. A GOOD photographer. For 6 hours.
Fresh flowers for the ceremony. SIL's parents were going to do fake flowers which upset her, so my mother told her to get what she wanted & just send her the bill for the florist.
Rented tuxedos for the 6 groomsmen.
They provided 6 hotel rooms for 4 nights for family guests.
They INVITED family & friends to the wedding.


They didn't lift a finger when their own daughter was THE BRIDE ~ but when it comes to making the Groom look good they are all over it like icing on a cake. Me, Hubs and his family covered every copper penny of our wedding. I looked like a jackass of a daughter-in-law who's parents wouldn't even show up for the rehearsal dinner to meet their son (they couldn't leave town until after work & after Bubba's classes were over for the day) ... they took 5 days off to be at Bubba's wedding ... but hey ~ pull out all the stops for your son's wedding ~ barely show up for your daughter's. That's fair.

Daddy made a 5 minute speech during the wedding, talking to my brother about his responsibilities as a husband. I could barely get him to stand with me long enough to give me away & throw my veil back.

Daddy made a speech during the reception (as best man) ... they barely spoke to anyone at my reception.

After the ceremony Mom was upset that they didn't ask me to sing (insert rolly eyes here) The bride's middle sister sang .... I don't know what SIL did to that girl in the past, but after that performance they have GOT to be even. Wowza! That was just brutal. She did things to that song that a dying cat wouldn't have been able to accomplish.

My parents wonder why we have a strained relationship .....


Swistle said...

That doesn't sound petty and jealous, it sounds BIZARRE. Like there MUST be some CRAZY explanation for why they'd do that. It's not like you're saying, "Wah, they spent $10,000 on me and $10,500 on him!"

Constance the 14,000th said...

how hurtful! so sorry that went down like that. i just read the first blog about it. at least you are keeping your head high. i wouldn't be able to. i can sort of relate. when i was planning my wedding (which my dad and step mom graciously, willingly and gladly paid for) my mom informed me "i don't believe in paying for weddings if the couple lived together first."
#1 i didn't ask her for anything, and #2 what a whacko thing to say!

Constance the Super said...

I am sorry. That would be hard not to take personally. Even though it's obviously something that's wrong with your parents.

My little sis and I got married the same year and there was DRAMA. I never knew We had waited 4 years to get married (annulment and such) and right before it came through little sis and her recent boyfriend said they were getting married and the whole world had to stop for them. I never knew how much drama could be possible. One of little sis's points of contention was money. She was convinced that if I got married right after her, she wouldn't get as much money from our parents and I felt like she was sitting there at the reception with an adding machine. Our wedding was bigger and fancier, but only because we have more friends and we paid for part of it and same friends helped us get great deals, etc. Good news is that little sis and I are now friends again.

Your situation just sounds CRAZY. And I would have a hard time not being bothered by it if I were you, even if just because it's so bizarre. It just doesn't make any sense.

Constance65 said...

I don't think you sound petty and would hurt me too. I am an only child and my husband & I paid for almost all of it. I think the only reason they gave me 2k was because they felt guilty. Still to this wedding photos on the wall. Actually no photos of me anywhere.....I feel a post coming on.

Constance 50 said...

That is hurtful. I had to laugh about the singing though.

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