Thursday, June 26, 2008

My mother + pregnancy + the holidays = Oye.

Someone save me.

My mother wants to come down at Christmas when the baby is born.

She wants to help us out.

Help me out & take that plane ticket money ~ hire me a nanny instead.

She has horrible osteoporosis & is not supposed to pick up anything over 10 pounds ... that would be the baby. She can help with the Princess, but since she's still very much a "carry me" kinda kid, there's not a lot Mom can do on her own, without one of us pitching in to help.

It's not even that I know my mother stresses me out, and Hubs really can't stand being in the same room with her for more than ten minutes at a time. Even that stretches his ability to be nice to the breaking point. I just dread having her there, feeling like I need to entertain her with something more than Fox news, and being exhausted from having a new baby & a toddler to deal with ... all while Hubs hides in the office and tries to ignore my mother's presence.

I can't tell her not to come see her grandchild & I can't tell her that we don't need her ~ but I can't take Valium while I'm breastfeeding either.

Can I just ask her for the Nanny?

1 comment:

Constance the Super said...

Ugh. You have love offers of help like this. The kind that end up being more effort than they're worth. Sounds like my mom.

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