Thursday, June 26, 2008

Momentous Occasions

Hubs just called to tell me that his dad called to chat (ok that's been happening more & more lately...strange). In the course of the conversation FIL asked Hubs about his training class for the new job with Apple, how the exam went, etc. Hubs told him that out of the 25 peeps in class, only 7 of them passed the final (one of which was Hubs YEAH!!!) .... but then the strangest words ever uttered by a parent came forth from FIL's mouth:

"I'm proud of you son"


I think the world stopped spinning there for a minute.

My first words upon hearing the momentous phrase: "Is he sick?"

FIL has never, but never ever not once said those words to Hubs. I'm not sure that he's ever said them to any of his kids. He says variations ~ you did good, well that's great, etc. But never uses that one word. It's an event that needs to be recorded for future generations.

Turns out his dad is impressed because Apple is trading at over $100/share lately. Go figure, he's impressed that Hubs hooked up with a money company.

But he said the words!!


Constance the 14,000th said...

this gives me hope because my husband is estranged from his father, but is in contact with his mom and she would NEVER NEVER NEVER say that to him. she hasn't even acknowledged that he has a successful business. she would rather he share the room that she shares in her parents house than have him be successful without her. isn't that sick?

this makes me glad for you husband! =)

Constance the Super said...

That is great! My hubs' father didn't say it until he sat him down and said I want you to say THIS to me. And even though it was prompted, he does say it now. And even though it doesn't go back and change what he said and didn't say all those years ago, the effort is appreciated.

Constance the 32nd said...

That is so good on so many levels! You needed a good moment in your day; glad to see that you got one-for both you and your husband. =)

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