Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The kindness of strangers, the pissyness of family

Why do I long for a vacation ~ until I'm on one? Then the only place I want to be is home.

In my defense, my vacations are always spent as "family" vacations with either my parents or inlaws. Everyone knows that is no vacation. Vacation is defined as getting away from people who bug the ever-loving-daylights out of you ... taking said people with you defeats the friggin purpose.

The wedding went off beautifully, the child behaved PERFECTLY, I was able to relax in the mornings while her grandparents spoiled the crap out of her & showed her off like a beauty queen. It would have been a wonderful weekend, except - you know - the whole presence of family & even fish stink after 3 days. What? You've never heard that saying? "Guests, like fish, stink after three days." They weren't guests, but you get my point.

God love her ~ I couldn't have paid the Princess to behave any better than she did. Her position as favorite child is safe for another six months! She pulled out all the stops to be charming & sweet & cuddly in public - and then passed flat out the minute I laid her on the hotel bed. Poor baby slept naked in a diaper for 3 nights. I wasn't about to risk waking her up just to put pj's on her.

And Northwest airlines ..... Northwest can kiss. my. butt.

3 hours late getting home AND they "lost" my stroller. Great. How do you loose luggage that's been gate checked??

But I'm home, the Princess made it through without falling apart & no one puked on the plane. Even though I wanted to.


Stupid turbulance.

1 comment:

Constance the 32nd said...

I know exactly what you mean; vacations only count if you don't have to be around annoying people. And I'm so glad your daughter behaved herself. That's a bonus. As is not hogging the airplane bathroom throwing up the whole way home. My SIL just got back from Mexico and did just that because she ate what she thought was a burrito right before she got on the plane. Poor thing.

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