Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oh NOW he gets all noble

For months hubs has been acting like my trip with the Princess will be no big deal ~ we'll hop on the plane, be there in 2 hours & get the rental car - what's so hard about that?!?!

  1. No he's never flown.
  2. He's never been in an airport since 9/11.
  3. He's never gone on a trip with a toddler for more than one night.

I started packing last night & he walked in:

H: You're never going to fit it all in those 2 bags. There's no way.

Me: Well I have to - the airline won't let me take more than this & the stowed bag can't be more than 50 pounds.

H: Well use the bigger bag as your carry on.

M: Um, no - it won't fit in the overhead compartment (At this point I'm thanking God that I'VE flown before - otherwise we would be screwed)

He then proceeds to argue with me about item placement, what bag will hold the electronics

Me: I need to keep them with me because they will get treated like crap by the baggage handlers & keep in mind, I'll have to show them to security.

H: Are you kidding me? Why would they care about your camera??

Me: Preaching to the choir dude.

H: Well put your makeup stuff in the carry on & that will save room in the big bag for your shoes.

Me: Nuh-uh. You can only have like 3 ounces of anything gel or liquid in the carry on & they have to be in the tiny bag that ~ again ~ you show to security.


Me: Again ~ Preaching. To. The. Choir. And don't forget -- I have to tote all of this crap & our 30 pound child with my horrid aching back & horrid horrid morning sickness.

H: I quit. I wonder how much it would cost to FedEx this crap.

Later, after we spent 2 hours wrestling with bags, item placement, how many times you can fold jeans to try and save space, how many stuffed animals we could shove into nooks and crannies, and still saving room for the last minute "Holy crap I forgot _______", Hubs went to hide in his office.

He's now decided that he wants to go with us, this is too much for me to do on my own & he'll suck up the hatred of my parents to be there for me. NOW he's all noble. 3 months ago when I wanted him to suck it up, shut up & just go along for the ride ~ not so much.

Lucky for him - his nobility isn't being tested. The tickets are now $550.

I need his help, but $550 worth of it?

(Just for the record: FedEx would be a whopping $127 for a 20 pound box to get there on Thurs afternoon. I'll just wrestle with the stupid bags & save my cash.)


Constance Squared said...

My poor Constance sister. Good luck on your trip. I hope it's not too terrible for you.

I Am Constance the Twenty Sixth. said...

Oh honey. Watch those bag fees. We flew last week and it was $3 each bag to curb side check, and we could check one for free and each after that was $25. Other airlines are a flat $15 per checked bag.

Good luck traveling with the kiddo!!

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