Thursday, July 24, 2008

An entirely different Mommy

I just have so much less energy and creativity with this kid than I did with the Princess. With her I was brimming with decorating ideas for her nursery, name ideas, dreams, desires to shop & things to do ...

This kid has yet to get any of that mommy-in-overdrive attention. I don't even have the motivation to think about names yet. We don't know what s/he is yet so why stress, we'll deal with it in 14 days after the big REVEAL ultrasound. I'm not worried about shopping, I know what we need & we can do all that in one trip a few months from now. I'm not worried about decorating seeing as we already have a nursery set up & we'll just transfer the baby from the bassinet into the nursery after a few months. I'm not worried about transitioning the Princess into a big girl room because 1/ if it's a girl they'll share the room 2/if it's a boy, then we'll move her in Feb once the baby needs the nursery.

All the caffeine I refused to touch with the Princess ~ that's out the window. This kid gets coffee & Dr. Pepper like they're going out of style. I'm not craving the fresh fruits & veggies that I Had. To. Have. with her, this one wants barbecue potato chips & those Popsicles in the plastic sleeves (the ones that cost $2 for 150 of them). Have I mentioned that I LOATHE Dr. Pepper & barbecue chips on a normal day ... apparently this kid is just like it's father too.

Man this kid is SO not getting the same Mommy that the Princess got ~ maybe that's a good thing in the long run. I don't think I could keep up that intensity and have a toddler this time around.


G said...

This kid is an entirely different person than the Princess, and it is therefor right and good that s/he gets an entirely different Mommy. It's different. Not worse. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Constance the Super said...

You'll be a different mommy--better at some things that you either didn't know how to do before or realize aren't important. Plus, the new baby will have Princess to give attention as well as you and your husband. It's all good. =)

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