Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Great Motherhood Debates

I never paid attention before I had kids, but in the last 21 months I've noticed that there are few "Mommy" topics that can rile women up as quickly as 1. Stay at home v. Working /2. How I had my baby (Aka Homebirth v. Hospital) / and 3. Boob v. Bottle. I had no clue how polarizing these three topics are and just how deeply the convictions run on each side.

I am a crunchy mom's worst nightmare ~ I work, I had her in the hospital with pitocin and an epidural & she had a bottle from 4 days old. I should be in jail for child endangerment by some people's standards, her asthma is because I was "too selfish" to breastfeed and HOW DARE I take medications while pregnant don't I know how horrible that is for my child?!?! (Take a deep breath people, all that yelling can make a person pass out).

There has been a lot in the press lately about homebirths versus hospitals, and both sides feel equally valient about why their team is best.

There will always be "Breast is Best" ~ but when that doesn't work you have to do something to feed the kid. Either they starve or they get a bottle, which one is preferable there?

And please don't start the SAHM v. WOTHM ... there are just too many initials for me to keep up anymore. My kid has had both options and honestly, I can see both sides of the coin and neither of them is the perfect answer all the time for every kid on earth.

None of these topics have one single perfect answer and every mother will always wonder if she picked correctly. You do the best you have with what you're handed at the time, and then you hope the rest works itself out in the end.

I'm so tired of being given the hairy eye when my decisions don't match up to another mom's, when suddenly they see me as toxic to their way of life and don't want to hang out with me anymore because *GASP* I spanked the Princess for running away from me and getting into the road. I'm sorry but a light and breezy tone doesn't cut it when my child is running into the path of a moving car. (She knew better and she had already been told not to do that once, this was her second [and almost last ever] offense.)

Oh wait ... spanking. That makes 4 Great Debates.

Lovely. More arguments to keep up with. I'm never leaving my house again.


CP said...

Very. Well. Put. I too am so tired of the judgment by other moms. And I've tried every combination of things (except the homebirth- after one emergency c-section, the other two were planned c-sections. Gasp. The horror.) and there is NO perfect answer that fits everyone.

Thanks for putting this out there.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU. Sheesh. I read a blog once where a woman actually said she would be ALL FOR the requirement of a prescription in order to get formula for your baby and you had to prove you could not breast feed. Talk about militant.

I get tired of all the day, "My way is the ONLY way." Bullshit.

Thankfully I don't run into it that often.

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