Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Desperately searching for a new topic

I just realized the last 4 out of 5 posts here have been bitching and whining about my morning sickness.

While this stuff is the pits & I do fully believe that I am allergic to pregnancy ~ I'm tired of thinking about it. Yes it's getting worse, yes I'm on the meds, no the old home remedies don't work on me. If you can think of it, in the last 3 pregnancies, I've tried it. And it didn't work.

And if anyone else tells me to just drink ginger ale I'm going to shake up a bottle of it & point it in their direction.

But hey ~ 9 pounds lost! WooHoo right?!

So ... um ...

Holy crap. There's nothing else in my life now.

I've become that pregnant woman who's head is so far buried in the toilet bowl that the rest of the world ceases to exist. I haven't worn makeup in a week. This is quickly becoming a crisis now when I can barely muster the energy to brush my hair or care if the clippy matches my outfit.

I did however drag my sick tail out of the house to see the new Sex And The City movie last weekend!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I spent the first 15 minutes in the bathroom because the obnoxious beast next to me was eating farking PICKLES during the preview ~ even though my girls stared death ray darts through her ~ she refused to stop at just one. I had to miss the intro or I would have spewed on her ... the smell of pickles was bad enough without adding that to the mix.

And to my credit ~ my hair was brushed & my clippy matched my pants that night.

We'll talk about the movie later --- but IT!! ROCKED!!!!!

1 comment:

Swistle said...

Oh, or how about, "Oh, I had morning sickness too! What I did is, I just ate a couple of crackers before getting out of bed!" Me: *barfing on speaker's hair*

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