Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sex And The City Movie SPOILERS (& discussion)

I'm warning you now: If you haven't seen the movie & don't want to know details yet - WALK AWAY. I love you, come back tomorrow & we'll talk about sex and something else. I promise.

But today ~ I have to talk to someone about this movie!!!!

If you're still with me ~ let's talk!

While I had heard rumors that there were several boom mike slips in the movie - I still wasn't ready for ALL of them! My gosh! How did the editors miss that many?! About 90 minutes in they were all over the freakin place!

Some of the scene cuts were a little odd. I'm wondering how many deleted or edited scenes we'll have in the DVD release ... there weren't many of those kind of flaws, but they were fairly glaring when they did show up.

They couldn't have shoved one more designer label in this movie if they tried. Good grief. I know it's SATC & New York & Shoes Shoes SHOES - but the clothing designers were never that prominent in the show. Not to the extent that they are in the movie. It was almost distracting at some points.

The whines are over. And whoever was sneaking around to peak "accidentally" at some spoilers has surely gotten bored & left by now ~ so let's talk about the good stuff!!

The story line was PERFECT. There was a big "truth" of the movie, much like the show, and the ability for two dear friends to learn it at the same time, together & not involving the men was truly a SATC girl moment. That & Big were what viewers were looking for - and they captured the magic all over again.

I am slightly confused as to why there was less sex in the movie than there ever was in the show. NOT that I'm complaining ~ I just wasn't expecting the movie to be cleaner than HBO version! I don't recall seeing one pair of boobies in the whole movie. Correct me if I'm wrong (I had my head down trying not to hurl through several parts, I may have missed a flashing or two.)

I've always loved the friendships within the group best, the dynamics of two women away from the pack. Miranda & Carrie have always been the core duo within the group. They manage to have this extra bond without alienating Charlotte and Samantha, that's a balance that makes or breaks many group friendships. It's a hard line to walk and the four of them do it with an enviable grace and ease.

Ok ~ Miranda and Steve: Seriously, Steve cheats & DOESN'T expect his hard-nosed-black-&-white-lines-attorney-wife to take it badly? Am I the only person who was screaming (internally) at him for even telling her? Don't yell at me ~ Everyone uses the line "I felt like hell, I had to tell you, I never wanted to hurt you" ~ well then you should have made sure I never found out & just let this eat away at you. THAT would have been punishment for you without hurting me. Now I have to kill you.

Charlotte ... other than the pregnancy (which they showed very little of except the fake ass tummy) & supporting her friends ... she really didn't have much to do. Her little girl is cute though! And Harry with the baby "It's my lot in life to be surrounded by beautiful women!" God love him ~ I love his character. And Evan Handler does a superb job in the role. He's my favorite baldy!!

Samantha & Smith ~ HONEY! There were women throwing popcorn at the screen when she left him. I get why & I understand & she wouldn't be Samantha if she wasn't a little self centered ~ but DAMN. He was just hot. Hot & Sweet and really freakin sexy. But Samantha was honest, after spending 45 years alone before him ~ 5 years with him was great, but it was time for her to move on by herself and be herself again. But when the dog ate the sushi as it fell off of her ... that was just wrong!

And Carrie and Big .... Chris Noth is just .... WOW. The moment in the library when he told her he couldn't do it was breathtaking and heartbreaking all in one. How she managed to go 8 months with never speaking to him WOWZA!!! THAT was in the script ~ cause in real life she would have been hunting him down and cutting his junk off. You know it's true! After 10 (?) years of on-again-off-again, multiple break ups, all the fears, the Vogue shoot ~ and then he leaves her on the library steps 3 minutes before she was going to walk down the aisle?! Oh. Hell. No. If she didn't kill him one of her friends would have. One of my friends would have at least. He made THE big screw up ~ and he knew it the second he made it & wanted to take it back that very moment. And then he waited as Carrie realized that she made a pretty big screw up of her own too. And sent her love letters until she came back to him *SOB* OK so she went back to a $525 pair of never worn shoes ~ but he was there, with her shoes, and they both knew they screwed up & sigh It. Was. Perfect. It never would have happened in real life ~ but it was a perfect fairy tale wrap up.

Samantha's 50. *eyes bursting from their sockets* Enough said.

Charlotte's "pookipsie" in Mexico was PRICELESS ~ but Carrie's line later, as Charlotte worried about her truly surprise pregnancy, "Honey, you shit your pants this year, it doesn't get worse." was a line that all of the girlfriends in the room could completely see telling their dear friend. And yes, as the pregnant friend in my group I heard "It could be worse, you could have shit your pants!" the Whole. Way. Home.

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