Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The male thought process: does it ever work?

When the Princess was 1 month old Hubs put his foot down and said that she was going in her own room ... this was coincidentally right after he put his big toe into her pack-n-play and cracked the sucker. (Toe, not the PNP) I felt bad for him & caved agreed & spent the next 3 nights sleep training our child. NOT a task for the faint of heart ... or a father as I soon found out. He wanted her in her own room & yet I was the one sleeping on the floor of her nursery as we waged war against closing her eyes and just. going. to. sleep. After the 3rd night she laid down like an angel & we've never had issues with sleeping in the nursery since then. God love her.

Now the Hubs seems to have rethought the process & after 18 months of peace I hear "I wish she would sleep in here and snuggle with us some nights."

Yeah, that doesn't work with her. She sees Daddy & thinks "WOOHOO TIME TO PLAY!!!" And she spends the next hour acting like she ate Mexican jumping beans - as I try to dodge 4 very long arms and legs in the dark.

Last night was a rough one for me, my morning sickness seems to kick in at midnight for some unGodly reason. I was finally comfortably sleeping at 3am until I hear "MOMMA!" Huh? Who? Where? Why are you standing on my bed and what the hell has your father done now?

Oh goody goody gumdrops. A toddler come to share my bed and kick me in the head and flop around as I try not to puke all over the bed. And a husband standing there saying "Well she wanted you. She wouldn't go to sleep for me, she can sleep in here with us tonight."

No. No, she won't. She could. But she won't.

And as it happens every single time ~ he brings her in & I wind up being the hard ass who gets pissed after the 3rd time I've been kicked in the back so I end up toting her back to her crib & plopping her down for the night. And as it happens every single time ~ Hubs is snoring before I make it back to my own bed.

Why does he think that she'll magically sleep this time when historically - She never has before. Why does he think this time will be different? Why do I have to be the one to take her back to bed? I was ALREADY ASLEEP ~ how is this mess my job to clean up?!

1 comment:

lucidkim said...

And I'm not sure what he's thinking, you have it great if your little one will sleep in her own room. Why mess that up? Trust me, I know, once you let them sleep with you too many times you've created monsters who never ever ever want to sleep in their own beds. You're pregnant, you especially need all the rest you can get. Agk.

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