Friday, May 23, 2008

Patrick Dempsey Sex Addicts Anonymous Meeting

Ok so not totally anonymous since most of you know me. But still.

I think Patrick gave me an orgasm last night. Can tv do that for women? I thought that was more of a Playboy-n-beer-alone-in-the-house guy kinda thing.

Eh. There's no way it knocked me up or gave me an STD, so I don't care.

I have never wanted to be Ellen Pompeo before (I like my boobs & she has none) ~ but this scene would be worth trading lives for ... for like 3 minutes. That & the paycheck she gets for all the hard work of kissing Patrick. Yeah, that must be just sheer torture.

I swear that man could have the world's worst halitosis & I would probably still want that kiss.

Or maybe not. They say Clark Gable had horrible breath. Knowing that kinda ruins those kissing scenes in Gone with the Wind for me .... screw it. Patrick's hot enough to overcome the stigma!!

(I know of no reports that say he has halitosis. If I ever hear of any I will be sure to pass the information along to you. PDSAA promise.)


Anonymous said...

Sigh! That was an awesome finale, wasn't it? :)

Anonymous said...

Im with ya sister! Total hotness there!! That man makes me want him more and more each day! If only....

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