Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Who's available to help me dig?

I swear, if I wasn't 8 years pregnant and thought I could dig a grave - Hubs wouldn't be among the living today.

He smacked his knee on the baby gate last night & Oh! My! God!

Two tiny cuts, no bruising, no swelling - but he acts like it's the end of the world & he can't move. At All. This is the same knee he's torn up several times & I know it's his soft spot ~ but still ...

He spent the entire night flopping and rolling in the bed, trying to get comfortable I suppose ~ but every time he flopped, he woke me up. 23 weeks pregnant, having to pee every hour on the hour and you wake me up flopping around?! Dude, go sleep on the damn couch before I end your life.

At 5am I was wondering if I could just smother him & bury the body in the back yard. I'm bitchy & pregnant ~ his family would believe that he ran off & left me right?

I'm betting his mother wouldn't buy it though ... she'd be the one to rat me out to the cops. Nosey wench.

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