Friday, August 22, 2008

What I did on my vacation

Not really a vacation ~ but I took a few weeks to stay in the real world and not live in my apartment (I think I need a new maid, this one leaves a lot of cobwebs ... and why is there an empty wine bottle in my trash can?!)

While I've been gone my baby buddha belly has gotten bigger, I've gotten more exhausted and lost another 3 pounds to the joys of morning sickness ... and I wrote out the story of my ill-fated love affair on my other blog.

Part 1: When the love of your life leaves
Part 2: The world crumbles
Part 3: The beginning of the pain
Part 4: The space between pain and healing
Part 5: Time heals all wounds ... sorta

And to top off the vacation ~ I read all 4 Twilight books. Cover to cover. In 9 days.

I think my eyes started to bleed on night 7, it started to get a little painful but I couldn't put the books DOWN!!!

So, that's where I've been, what I've been up to & why I've abandoned the apartment for a while.

On the up-side ~ DH has been surprisingly helpful and in a good mood lately. Stifling my material to spill to you girls ....


Constance the Super said...

Oh! The Twilight books are on my list. First, I have to read the darn summer reading books. Snooze-fest.

Constance the Super said...

Those posts you wrote about your ex were riveting and heartbreaking. How did you get past that, never knowing the truth?

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