Monday, September 22, 2008

"Shut UP Alec Baldwin!"

I generally don't care about the personal lives of celebrities, at least not enough to stop watching shows simply because of their presence - but Alec Baldwin has crossed my mental line.

After all of the news/paparazzi reports on his treatment of his young daughter & the voice mail messages he left her ~ I lost all respect for him. Had my husband ever left that type of verbal attack on my child's voice mail I would have been in court asking for all rights and visitation to be terminated. I'm not big on forgiveness when it comes to treating young kids like sh*t. The words that he said to her still play in my brain & I'm a grown adult who doesn't know him ~ so what effect do you think they had on his child?

His "interview" on 20/20 this week was less than forgiving. Blaming your ex for the alienation of your child isn't exactly ingratiating to the general public ~ especially when the story points out that after their divorce he moved across the country & away from his child ... is it just me or do most parents that want to stay connected Stay Near The Child!! Yelling that Kim has systematically alienated your child from you just makes me think that MAYBE if you hadn't treated your kid like crap, she would want to have more to do with you.

Seeing him win the Emmy last night almost made me throw my TiVo out the window ... ugh. So not worth staying up late to see ....


Constance the 14,000th said...

i hate it when people are all like woe is me, but then do nothing at all the change things or make things better.

lucidkim said...

I agree - if your children are really your priority - you stay close to them. I agree that he's an ass - that never seems to have to face consequences for being that way. Unbelievable that he won the Emmy, I agree.

I have a similar reaction (for different reasons, obviously) to Michael Jackson. They still play his songs on the radio all the time and all I can think is why would I want to listen to and support a pedophile? They ban Milli Vanilli from the radio for lip synching (I figure SOMEONE was really singing those songs and I quite liked them regardless of WHO was really singing) - but a pedophile gets a free pass? Why is that? I don't get it at all.

Constance the Super said...

No matter what your (ex-)spouse does, it's YOUR responsibility to do what it takes to stay close to your child. I don't understand when people get so caught up in blaming that the kids get lost in the shuffle.

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