Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A running theme in the apt complex

As I've been poking through apartments, reading up on our collective thoughts and lives, I've noticed this running theme that we all seem to have - Money. Or rather, the lack of money & the stress it's causing us.

It's nice to know I'm not the only apartment floating in this particular boat ... and yet scary to think that so many of us look at our checkbooks and wonder how the bills are going to get paid with a bit leftover so that we can eat. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who may have made some stupid financial decisions, or got stuck in a rut of borrowing just to survive, or experienced job loss in a slow market. And then it's scary to know that there are so many other people in the same positions. We're supposed to be the country of opportunities & most of us are barely staying afloat anymore.

It scares me that I actually went to sign up for Medicaid to help cover the costs of having this baby ... I never thought I would have to do this. When we had the princess I had 2 insurance companies covering me & 100% coverage for every dime that pregnancy. I never once had to talk to a "financial counselor" before my OB appointments, I never wondered how we were going to pay the hospital bills & we walked out without worrying about how many new bills we had just created along with this new baby. And the kicker? We both had good paying jobs & could have afforded a few medical bills + daycare.

Now? One of the poorest states in the country agrees that my household is so broke that I need Medicaid's supplement to help pay for the birth of this child. That's just a big old kick in the teeth right there. I have a good job & make decent money, unfortunately it's only enough to keep my household running ... not enough to actually thrive & pay extraneous bills.

Before anyone gets their panties in a wad about my using government funds to help pay for a baby that I created ~ consider this: None of my providers accept Medicaid. My Ob's office doesn't take it. My home health agency doesn't take it. The hospital I want to deliver at? Nope. They won't take it either. I'll have to switch hospitals for delivery so that at least they will take it, hopefully. And my primary medical coverage will still be covering the bulk of the hospital, medicaid will only kick in to cover whatever is left over there. That's fair right? I've paid in taxes for over 14 years, the government can hook me up with 20% of a hospital bill ...

It is nice to know that I'm not the only one in this row boat ... I'm just wondering when that cruise ship is supposed to come in for all of us.


Constance the 32nd said...

Oh you are so cute! You don't have to justify going and signing up for Medicaid. You pay your taxes, right? Then you totally in the right to go and do that.

I'm really waiting for that cruise ship to come in too. Can hardly wait for it. We've done our best to stay out of debt except for our house, and yet, we still are struggling.

Why doesn't Congress pass along some of that $700 billion dollars they apparently have floating around and cut me a check. I could really use that right now! How 'bout bailing me out!?! All I am asking for is 1% of that; I'd even take 1/2% of that, or just enough to pay off my house. And then I could use that extra money to pump back into the economy by buying things like food. See, my plan is great! Too bad they don't see that.

shoeaddict said...

I really think you must be from MY state (LA) or the state next door (MS). If you wanna tell me- email me. shoeaddict17 at gmail. If not, that is fine.

You totally don't have to feel gulity for going on Medicaid. I hope things get better soon.

Constance 14 said...

Oh, you poor thing. I am just reading this today, after *I* posted about money, too. Don't feel bad for signing up for Medicaid, though -- that's what it's there for.

I'm just thinking this crap HAS to turn around at some point, right? Surely.

Constance the Super said...

It's hard that so many of us are struggling financially right now. Don't beat yourself up about Medicaid. Have you figured out doctors and hospitals that will take it?

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