Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Constance Confessional

We need a priest around here ... I think I may need to go to confession. I was really evil last night.

Brace yourself.

I hated my neighbors children.

I KNOW! Pregnant women & mothers aren't supposed to hate other people's kids right? I broke the carnal code of "Love thy friend's children".

But damn these kids bug me!!!

I was trying to relax on the couch with my Orville's cheddar covered popcorn & watching Gene Simmons Family Values (my love for the DVR machine knows no bounds). All of the sudden I hear all this yelling & squealing ... in my front yard. I look out in the pitch black of night to see my neighbors kids playing in the front yard ~ no parents around ~ two 4 year olds and a 9 year old. At 9:30 at night.

WHAT?!? Quit yelling in my yard & go home to your parents!!

To be honest, these three bug me on a good afternoon ~ but at 9:30 at night I don't like having anyone's kids around. Hell, mine goes to bed at 8 so that we can be done before I loose all patience for the night.

Hubs went out & told them to get out of our yard & go on home (right next door, not like there was far to go, but still). This was after I stormed into his office with a 15 minute tirade on small children, dark streets, my relaxation disturbance and several choice 4 letter words and inventive combinations for them.

Hubs thought it would be safer if he sent the kids home. I can't figure out why.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who can't stand other people's children. I realize this could be a handicap for my own kids in the future ~ but I'm just not the mom who loves everyone and makes cookies & has swim parties & lets the neighborhood kids run wild through her house all day. I'm the mom who doesn't like to do playdates with more than one kiddo at a time, and playgroups are like anthrax in my world.

I love my friends ~ but (some of) their kids are my kryptonite.

I'm going to suck when my kids hit the school years, aren't I?


Constance the 14,000th said...

i like all my neighborhood kids, but i do generally haven't had good luck falling in love with my friends' kids. the are all boys though which is the oppoiste of me. maybe i am just not used to them.

but 9:30 at night is ridiculous. do they have parents?

Constance 50 said...

I get annoyed at my friends and their kids all the time. THe kids yell and scream or behave horribly and the friend does nothing.

Lately, I am annoyed by more and more people. Maybe it's me?

just me said...
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just me said...

It's not so much a 'I hate my neighbors children' as a 'I hate my neighbors'....period. But if you're taking a vote...been there, done that.
And I have to heartily agree with constance I....I think in general, people's behavior is becoming more and more rude and obnoxious, kids are just better at it.

ps. but to be honest, sometimes I don't like my own kids so my tolerance for other peoples children is practically zip!

Constance the 32nd said...

My friend came over yesterday and her little 3 month old baby just screamed and cried and I just wanted to show her the door. Not that she didn't try to calm him down, but still, it's annoying. Before she left, I thanked her for reminding me again why I don't want any more children.

I have to listen to my own kids all day long whine, fight, cry; the last thing I want to do is listen to someone's kids do that too. And I'm sure it's worse for you since you are pregnant!

And I second Justme's p.s. comment.

Constance the Billionth said...

WE run a pretty tight ship at my house, and we have RULES and CONSEQUENCES and an early bedtime, so it is hard to be around other children or families that don't have rules or discipline their kids. My husband was over at a neighbor's house the other night pretty late (after midnight) and both their kids (who are in elementary school) were still up playing video games. Their parents told them they should head on up, but they could watch something on tv if they wanted to....!?! These are the same kids who can't sleep in bed by themselves as readily admitted by our neighbors. Same kids who rude and mean to my much younger children and who actually have pushed my son off of his bike and scooter before....on purpose. Sometimes it's hard to remember that they are just children, and that they will just take advantage of whatever situation is presented to them.

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