Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ok, now she's just screwing with me.

This letter came in the mail yesterday:

Dear Son-in-law,

We stopped by the "home" of "Smuckers" in Ohio on our way home from the wedding - and came across these cooking gadgets and right away thought of Princess and your love for cooking.

We had such a ball with Princess! She was such a good girl - very tolerant of all the excitement. :-) She is so reflective of the loving care she receives from you. And oh, how she must love her daddy!! She couldn't ask for a better one.

So go have fun making pancakes for little Princess. These times that you two are spending together are priceless with incredible dividends in the future.

Take Care,

The in-laws

Um ... what the hell? Not that I don't appreciate that she's showing my husband some much needed appreciation for staying at home with the kiddo .... but, what the hell?

Even Hubs is a *tad* confused by this one.

Am I taking this too personally, or is letter this just that strange?

(And except for the names, I copied the letter exactly. Quotation marks especially. Just for your reading pleasure!)


Constance the 333 & 1/3 said...

Burn it. That is all I have to say. Burn the letter. It will make all parties feel better.

Constance the 32nd said...

Yeah, that is strange. And she's a crackpot. Maybe you should write a letter to your (step) FIL (which ever one it is) and thank him profusely for taking the time to buy something for your Princess so that you and her can spend quality time together making pancakes. (Which you will secretly fling at a picture of your MIL with a bullseye on it. It'll be a fun game.)

"Constance-1-M" said...

Oops ~ I put the inlaws - I meant HIS inlaws (my parents)

My mom wrote this to Hubs ... not that he doesn't deserve a pat on the back ~ but HELLO?!?!? Your daughter didn't have jack crackers to do with her raising?

I only puked multiple times a day from week 7 through 39 to get her here. I've done nothing for her since then apparently.

Constance the 14,000th said...

ewww. that would sooo make me MAD!

like when my MIL called me this weekend (first call from her to me in about 9 months) and said "did MY son make it home from NY ok?)


How are MY granddaughters?


but your mom seems to be doing that crap intentionally to hurt you which is not cool. so sorry that you have to deal with that. you deserve better.

Constance the Super said...

Seriously, that is messed up. I thought that my mother was the queen of the backhanded compliment and shitty stuff like that, but your mom wins. Oh my lord, that is harsh. And the thing is, it totally makes her look like a complete and total whack-job. Of course, your hubby should get props for being a great dad, but if it's not Father's Day, his partner should be recognized as well.

Can I punch her for you?

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