Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Do you hide your vote?

After the birthday party that devolved into a political debate this weekend ~ I'm forced to wonder how many of us hide our votes like the vodka in our freezers. Our families may *think* it's there, but they don't need to know the truth.

I didn't hide my political affiliation, but I was surprised at how many family members had hidden theirs. It seems that they were all waiting until there was another member of their "team" to back them in their opinion before they were willing to come out (so to speak).

I don't talk about who I'm voting for in general because I think it's a lot like religion. We all have an opinion, but I'm not in the habit of asking for a consensus before I decide where I stand.

Or maybe this is just my gut reaction to voting for an underdog ... seeing as I don't like the two main flavors being offered ~ I'm going for the strawberry vote this year. He may not win, but at least I feel comfortable & secure in where my vote will be going.

(My after-the-in-law-visit liquor is hidden in the bottom cabinet behind the cat food. Just in case you need a swig too.)


Constance the Super said...

I do with some people. My best friend in the whole world didn't know my party affiliation until recently. We've known each other coming up on 30 years now. I was afraid that we'd fight about it. I didn't think that politics was worth risking our friendship. Now we're okay, but we don't talk about it much.

Otherwise, I don't care much about what people think. I won't discuss it with people who I don't really know that well.

I NEVER talk about it with my students, but that's different. It would be unprofessional to talk about my beliefs because kids take that as trying to persuade them.

Mrs. Dennis said...

In my mind, voting strawberry is throwing your vote away, sorry.

Or maybe it will weaken the party I don't like and only help my candidate-- but seriously... voting third party is almost like not voting at all.

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