Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm moving to an Ark

Between Katrina, Rita, Faye, Gustav & now Ike ~ I'm thinking I need to move off of the gulf coast & onto an ark.

It would just be so much easier to pull up the anchor & wave bye-bye to the neighborhood during storms. Then we could evacuate & still have all our stuff with us. No calling the insurance company, no worrying over deductibles or flooded sewer lines, and no more listening to the neighbor's generator at 3am. When you are hot, sticky and laying in bed praying for a good stiff breeze through the open windows - the sound of other people's generators will drive nuns to start drinking.

We're not in the path of Ike (we already had our fun with Gustav) but we are in his return tour now. So far today we've had a bit of rain with a LOT of wind. If that's any indication of how big or strong he is, I'm thrilled to not live in Galveston. Early next week is looking good for more rain & wind around my house ... gotta love those flood watches.

Remind me that it could be worse ... we could live in the blessed north where it actually snows, but snow can cave your roof in ... right?


shoeaddict said...

I guess you can't tell me, but I'm wondering where you live. I live in Louisiana and have been through lots of crap because of these damn hurricanes.

Constance the Super said...

Blerg. I hate hurricanes, especially right now. Still, I keep telling myself at least you have some warning unlike tornadoes or earthquakes. And yeah, snow can cave in your roof. And shoveling every dang day gets really old.

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