Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Diaper rashes and long cuddles

I walked in the door from my long day at the office only to see Hubs with the universal "SHHHH" symbol of his finger over his lips. The house was completely dark, very chilly and the only sound was of a whimpering toddler somewhere in the den.

He quietly whispered that she had been fussy ever since her nap & he didn't know what was wrong. My brain quickly scrolled through ear aches, teething, growing bones; anything that could hit with no symptoms and leave a crying fussy child. She saw me walk in the door and I watched her slide off the couch to come get me. As I watched her, I saw the one sure symptom - walking bowlegged. My baby had popped her famous diaper rash during her nap. She doesn't get them often but when she does, she makes up for lost time. She gets the angry red, puffy, hot to touch variety that seems to come from nowhere.

She hadn't walked for Daddy so he hadn't been able to see the evidence, and there was no evidence of a needed diaper change when she woke up unhappy.

As we changed and doctored her poor angry tushie I comforted my girl and told her how close we were to done. I promised to make her better, I promised that the medicine would work quickly, I promised that the Tylenol would make it easier. We settled in the den with her favorite blanket and binkie, a cold pack under her tush and rocked in the dark and quiet.

Since she's been big enough to walk those long rocking sessions have been left behind for RUNNING! and playing with her toys. She climbs in our laps for a moment at a time, and then she's off again. The only time cuddles are acceptable is when she's too tired or too sick to run anymore. Last night fit both bills and we spent 30 quiet minutes just snuggling, smelling my baby's hair, feeling the weight of her heavy in my arms again. I knew that she would grow up and snuggling wouldn't be her favorite way to spend her days, I just never thought it would happen so soon ....


Constance the 14,000th said...

i feel you on this one. my daughter will be 3 in jan and i miss cuddling. yesterday she bashed her head into the table (super scary-i almost threw up) and we cuddled for about 30 minutes while rocking in the rocking chair. something we hadn't done since she was like 1. i miss it.

Anonymous said...

I had the same experience just recently where my two year old got a nasty diaper rash -although I have to admit that we were at fault as parents. Forgot to bring a change of diaper along and he sat in the yucky one for too long. Poor little guy was in so much pain I felt just terrible. But it was so nice to get to snuggle him and comfort him.

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