Friday, May 2, 2008

A question for the SAHM crowd

Don't get me wrong ~ I get that being a stay at home parent is rough & that toddlers are no picnic on their best day. I really do get that (That's why I'm here at work in my quiet office! LOL)

But SERIOUSLY!?!?!? Don't most SAHP's handle the housework?

I have yet to have a SAHM friend who leaves the entire day's worth of dishes in the sink! Dude, working dishwasher - not even 3 feet away. That's all I'm sayin!

I adore Dh. He's making a huge sacrifice for our family & I appreciate that ~ but in all honesty ~ he wanted to come home & start this company. It was his idea to keep the kiddo at home & he adjusted so that he could just work a few hours in the evenings after her bedtime. That's all well & fine & I'm happy for you ~

But Oh! Dear! Heavens! Don't expect me to come home & clean up your messes every night!! I understand dividing the heavy cleaning (windows/bathrooms/floors/etc) I'm great with that, I like to split that stuff no one feels jipped. But coming home & cooking our dinner & cleaning up the kitchen after what you guys did all day?! ARGH. NO!! Bad Hubby!!

Quit whining that "You went to bed and left me with all the cleaning" DUDE!!! I made dinner & cleaned up the kitchen afterward! No, I didn't make her sippy cups for today & no I didn't clean up her toys ~ but that's your job!!!

I'm sorry ~ but I'm T-I-R-E-D by the end of the day. I'm just tired of cleaning up messes that are directly related to the two of them being home alone all day. That's all I'm saying.

Am I just being exhausted & mean ~ or is this a valid whine?


constanceXXX said...

Don't take this comment the wrong way, but is your husband depressive?

Only reason I ask is that when I'm feeling low, housework seems near to impossible to tackle, no matter how small the task may seem.

Not to mention that staying at home with kids is totally a thankless and tedious job, so that combined with depressive tendencies can lead to pig sty house (at least in our case).

Just askin :-)

"Constance-1-M" said...

No he's not ~ I've already poked him about that one!

He just says it's too hard to get anything done with her underfoot ... and yet I get all my chores done while I'm alone with her all day on Saturdays & I manage to work on school papers while she takes a nap. If I can do it one day a week ~ how can he not establish a routine & schedule for 5 days?

I've asked him if he wants her in daycare & he says no. I've asked if he wants to go back to work & he doesn't. He said he loves being at home with her, but she screams whenever he walks out of the room for 1 minute & instead of working with her on it, he gives in & makes it worse for both of them. And me. But I'm not shallow or mean.

Swistle said...

There was about a year and a half when I went back to work full-time while Paul was out of work, and he stayed home with the kids. I had to REALLY spell it out for him that the things he was thinking of as "Swistle's job" were actually "the stay-at-home parent's job." It seemed to come as a genuine surprise to him. But seriously, it took a real Big Talk. I had to say, "Listen, this is YOUR JOB NOW."

constancethesixteenth said...

I stay at home with my son and feel guilty if I don't have the house relatively picked up by the time my husband gets home. I would never expect him to clean, make dinner and pick up the kitchen after working. We have a housekeeper once a month for the down and dirty cleaning but I do most of the rest myself. That being said, my husband is a huge help around the house and is willing to help out when I need a break.

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