Monday, April 21, 2008

This may become my permanent home

I am finding myself coming to the apartment more & more often lately. There are things I want to say, or just things that I find funny but I don't want to spill those things on my open-to-the-real-world blog. I just don't need my mother to know about my sex life, can I get an Amen?

The more my brain spins about pregnancy, this is where I come.
The more my head spins over my comical sex life, this is where I come.
The more I think about honesty in my blog life & just having one spot where I can bare it all ~ this is where I come.

I always wanted a diary ~ but this way I get feedback promising me I'm not insane! WOOHOO!

It's not that I don't love my family oriented, baby centered, slightly funny home blog ~ but I don't feel as much like myself as I do here. This is me ~ past the wife, mother, employee, and student ~ this is who I am, this is my personality. All 5 of them! Most people have a running inner monologue ~ I have a running inner talk show. Think: brain version of "The View". That's what goes on in my head. 4 (some days 5) voices, all talking over each other, all trying to make a point, all confusing the crap out of each other, some making me laugh at loud for no known reason.

I don't know what I'm going to do with my home blog ... how do you get rid of blogs? I don't want to get rid of the closest thing my kiddo has to a baby book (at least subsequent kids won't feel jipped that she has a novel about her life while they have a post it note!), but I'm not sure if I want to continue that as anything more than updates on her & pics for the family. I know I'm tired of trying to find interesting/funny things in my life that can be appropriately censored. That's hard enough to do on a 3 hour monthly phone call to my mother!

What would you do? Keep both, loose the one, change the one? I'm confused here ....

1 comment:

Constance the Pink said...

I just stopped using mine. At some point I'll delete it...though it wasn't used much anyway.

Is it possible you could merely change the URL of the blog and delete anything unnecessary and sort of start it over fresh as just a family/update kind of thing?

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