Thursday, April 17, 2008

BlogHer Ads can kiss my white and shiney one

My "home" blog has been signed up with BlogHer Ads since last August ~ I have a counter thingy on there so that I can see how many hits I get, where they are from, what searches people use to find me (and btw - who the hell googles "mommy porn"?!?!?! I've had 4 different searches that found me that way. And I don't talk about porn over there. That's saved for the apartment!) Anyway. Where was I going?

Oh ~ I know that I have fairly decent traffic on that site. I mean I am by no means at the Dooce, Bossy or the world renown Ree level ~ but I have a fairly respectable following.

I have never once gotten a check from BlogHer & have never once gotten a response to my "Um, what's the deal with this?" emails that I've sent them.

This is some bull honky! You can't tell me that in 9 months I still haven't had enough visitors to make $25 (they hold your checks until you make at least that much). I did the math 7 months ago & should have had that first check sent out back then!!

I know that their "free" ads have been running a lot through the winter & that's being repaired ~ but dang people! At least send me back a note saying "Hi, sorry but your blog really is that crappy & you've only made $24.50 in the last 9 months by our calculations. We'll send your check out next year."

Since I'm not pimping them on this site I felt better about bitching about them over here.

Anyone else know how to contact / harass / or otherwise annoy the BlogHer Ad girls into letting me know something? This is getting annoying. Much like pregnancy ~ it's been 9 months & I'm ready to see the fruit of my labor already! (the pun was only 45% intentional)


Swistle said...

I wonder if it could be a spam filter problem, either on their end or your end? I've emailed them about a few things, and they're prompt about replying.

I think there's a way to check your revenue on the site, but I've never figured out how. Maybe poke around the BlogHer site for awhile, look at the FAQs, etc., see if there's a way to check the money. Maybe you ARE making money, but there's a problem like an incorrect address (my zip code was in there incorrectly at first)---so, like, the checks are getting mailed elsewhere.

Search terms are ker-razy. Sometimes people come to my blog through terms that make me want to take a shower.

Jenijen said...

I'm so sorry! I don't know why your email hasn't been answered, but please write to me jenifer [at] blogher [dot com] and I will get this sorted out for you today.

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